What’s New for 2021

The Boondocks FTA™ Beginner Handgun class is a half-day course designed to introduce women to the basics of using a handgun for self-defense. Topics will cover gun safety, loading and unloading, and shooting fundamentals. The course includes both classroom time and live-fire practice on the range. Firearms and ammunition are included in the cost of the course, however, if you already have a handgun you may bring it as well. Minors under the age of 18 are welcome, as long as they are accompanied by an adult in the class.
Pre-Requisite: NONE
Course Length: 4 Hours
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. (check the class calendar to verify time)
Cost: $100 (Price includes rental of a .22lr semi-automatic pistol plus ammunition for the class)
Click HERE to register!

This Free course is a 3-4 hour seminar intended for new gun owners or for those considering purchasing a firearm for personal or home protection. It covers important information on how you can better secure your home and simply techniques you can do to develop an overall personal protection plan. The class also includes information on the pros and cons of personal and home protection firearms, as well as, non-lethal self defense options. This is a Non Shooting Course but will include additional information about live-fire options.
Click HERE to Register

The Introduction to Red Dots Sights (RDS) Class will provide students with an overview of Red Dot Sights on Pistols. The class will focus on equipment selection, the Pros and Cons of Red Dots sights and the techniques specific to the use of a RDS equipped personal defense pistol.
Pre-Requisite: NONE
Course Length: 4 Hours
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. (check the class calendar to verify time)
Cost: $100
Required Equipment: 100 Rounds of Ammunition. Red Dot Equipped Pistol – Red Dot Sight Equipped Pistols will be available to rent for $25.00 plus the cost of ammunition)
Click HERE to Register

The Boondocks FTA™ Draw Clinic is a 4-6 hour course designed to increase your Speed and Accuracy with a defensive handgun. Students will learn to become more efficient in presenting the pistol from concealment and then participate in a variety of standardized courses-of-fire designed to evaluate their speed and accuracy.
Pre-Requisite: A valid Firearm Carry Permit OR Criminal Background Check OR Previous Boondocks FTA™ Course
Course Length: 4-6 Hours
Start Time: 9:00 a.m.
Ammo Required: 250 Rounds
Cost: $100
Click HERE to register!