Election Reflection

The 2024 election is in the rearview mirror, and regardless if your preferred candidate won or lost, I think we can all agree we are glad the political commercials and text messages are over! Post election it is common for both sides, and Americans to reflect on the results.

While the verbal vitriol is becoming all too common, this was still an extremely shocking political season. The last minute exit of an incumbent president, multiple attempted assassinations of a former president, and the unusual nomination process of a sitting Vice President in a few short months is unprecedented. Still, many were left wondering how a bombastic billionaire and convicted felon was able to win the election so decisively. Even those vehemently opposed to Trump have called his win, “the political comeback story of the century”. A candidate that was put through multiple trials, including in the courtroom and on a “battle field” in Pennsylvania, and just kept kept fighting back. Many were shocked that he was able withstand the onslaught in spite of the odds stacked against him, but some political pundits opined the reason Trump won was not in spite of the trials he faced, but BECAUSE of them.

The story of America is filled with a tenacious spirit where Americans overcome overwhelming odds and rise to victory. Apparently, that is a trait that many Americans can relate to. When you combine that with an economy that has negatively impacted most Americans, they apparently felt compelled to vote for someone they thought would fight for them. Americans have always had an independent streak. They have shown time and time again their willingness to fight for their freedoms. The 2024 election might be a subtle reminder that Americans still admire that trait in their leaders.