The Ministry of Church Security

Authors: Kevin Jones and Jeff Williamson

Over 40 years ago, when we were teenagers, we could not have imagined that one day we would be leading safety classes for armed church security teams dealing with subjects like active shooter response. Our society is very different today than when we were growing up, and as a result, we must be prepared for such things as active shooters.

For this article, we will define a church as a place or a facility designed and used for worship, religious study, and other religious activities. This broad definition lets us encompass a variety of religious services and activities associated with these locations. Regardless of the nature of the activities conducted on church sites, the priority of physical safety of the congregation and all participants is paramount.

In this article, we will focus on the recruitment of church security team members. Successful recruitment of candidates for team membership depends upon the answer to a foundational question, “What is the most important attribute of a church security team member?” This question is adjacent to the foundational question of church security, “What is the purpose of the church?”

Many sources exist both in print form and on the internet that give information and guidance on the recruitment of church security team members, and wise church security leaders will avail themselves of this data, and in the coming articles, we will touch on many of the commonalities in these resources.

The attributes of a good church security team member are the same as the attributes of good team members of any organization that interacts with the public. Desirable attributes of security team members include traits like a willingness to assume responsibility, being able to handle stressful circumstances, making a commitment to teamwork, using proper discretion, maintaining confidentiality, presenting oneself in a polite manner, having a willingness to be assertive, when necessary, etc.

Unfortunately, many of the readily available resources for developing church security teams highlight these essential attributes but fail to link the mission of church security teams to the overall mission of the church. Church security is a ministry of the church, and if done well, church security facilitates the church’s ability to effectively care for the church’s membership and those who attend services. The balance of compassionate ministry with the need for physical safety is essential. Church security team members must always remember that the church exists to show love and respect to those who are in need and are hurting.

Stay tuned for more!

In the meantime, if you are a member of a church security team, I encourage you to look at our Church Security Group Membership and our newActive Shooter Armed Response Course. Our next class date is April 19th.

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