Another AIWB Holster
Since Adopting AIWB carry about a year ago, I have been going back and forth between a couple of different holster options. You can read about those options HERE. But…
Read More...The Importance of Training, Practice & Competition
Recently I shot my first International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Match with a Red Dot equipped pistol. This was not only my first match with a red dot, but the…
Read More...How to Reduce Mass Shooting Casualties!
The recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas are horrific events and should be a wakeup call for all the citizens of the United States to finally…
Read More...Are You Prepared for the Fight You Find Yourself In?
About a year ago, I got a message from Massad Ayoob that he had mentioned me in his Blog Post entitled “Some Solid Advice Via Two Friends” He had read…
Read More...Jackson’s Homicide Rate is 15 Times Higher than the National Average
2021 was another record year for homicides in the State’s Capitol City. As of December 30th there were 151 homicides in Jackson, MS. That is up from a record of…
Read More...Adopting AIWB
I recently made the switch from a strongside Inside the Waistband (IWB) hip holster to Appendix Inside the Waistband (AIWB) carry. I had been contemplating switching for more than a…
Read More...Rittenhouse, Arbery, Self-Defense & Salvation
The verdicts are in for two of the most highly publicized cases stemming from 2020. In the Rittenhouse case, Kyle was found “not guilty” on all charges. There was overwhelming…
Read More...On The Hunt: Bright Ideas for Stocking Stuffers
When it comes to personal protection, one of the most useful tools is a hand-held light. No, a flashlight won’t stop a determined bad guy that is trying to attack…
Read More...Unexpected Outcomes
How ballistic gel can make you question what you have been told! Growing up in Mississippi, I was introduced to shooting at a relatively young age. My first gun was…
Read More...Violent Crime Surges in Capital City!
On Halloween Night WAPT News Anchor Megan West and her family were held at gunpoint by 4 armed men in the Belhaven Subdivision. You can read the full story here.…