Archive for October 2019
The “Othering” of Gun Owners
“Othering” is defined as “treating people from another group as essentially different from and generally inferior to the group you belong to.” This is not a new tactic. It has…
Read More...Rifle Scopes
We are officially into Deer Hunting Season here in Mississippi, and while it is not quite rifle season yet, hunters across the state are gearing up for gun season. One…
Read More...Automaticity
Automaticity – au·to·ma·tic·i·ty – the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is…
Read More...Protecting America from “Assault Weapons”
In the last Democratic Presidential debate, Beto O’Rourke finally admitted what many anti-gun politicians have been coy-fully covering up for years. He is proposing an outright ban on “Assault Weapons”…