An Interview with Natalie from Elegant & Armed
In last month’s newsletter we introduced you to Natalie with Elegant & Armed. This month we got to sit down and interview her about her concealed carry journey! In the…
Read More...Competition or Self-defense: Who Makes the Best Shooting Instructor?
Recently I saw a post on social media trying to answer the age-old question, who makes the best firearms instructor; a self-defense instructor or a competition instructor? This question is…
Read More...Could You Survive a Terrorist Attack?
The October 7th “low tech” terrorist attack shocked the world. It killed 1,400 people, wounded 4,500 more and captured over 200 hostages. It was the deadliest day for the Jewish…
Read More...Max Appendix Carry Comfort
After setting up the perfect concealed carry pistol a few months back, I started the holster acquisition process again. While I usually wear holsters that attach to my belt, I…
Read More...Elegant & Armed
Recently I was contacted by a representative of Elegant & Armed about the possibility of collaborating with Boondocks FTA.I get these requests on a fairly regular basis, but I usually…
Read More...22LR for Personal Defense
Lately I have seen a lot more articles on the legitimacy of 22lr for personal defense. However, none of the articles included what I think are important aspects of selecting…
Read More...Politics & Personal Safety
In August the first GOP Presidential Debate officially kicked off the 2024 election cycle. Your presidential pick may or may not have debated, but the results of the November 5,…
Read More...The Shortcut to Better Shooting
August means it is back to school time for kids across the country. As a gun owner, now is a good time to remind you that you need to go…
Read More...Self-Defense Shooting Skills: How Good is Good Enough?
I believe most gun owners are woefully unprepared for a self-defense incident! Not because they don’t know how to shoot, but because they don’t understand the level of skill, automaticity…
Read More...Influencer Vs. Expert: How to know who to trust for advice on firearms and self-defense!
in·flu·enc·er ˈin-ˌflü-ən(t)-sər : one who exerts influence : a person who inspires or guides the actions of others There has been a lot of talk about Influencers recently, and some of it is not so…